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Just so you know ...X
This is a HAILaGEEK parts list. Please make sure you have added all needed parts to the list. If you need to add or subtract parts, click on the cart to modify the list. If you're sure you've added all needed parts to the list for this parts trip, you can use the button below to POST the parts list to HAILaGEEK.You should get a popup saying statusCode, 200, and SUCCESS.The customer will be shown the parts list and asked to approve the parts order. If they approve the order, their card will be charged immediately and you will be emailed instructions to pick up the parts at the 24/7 parts depot.
{NEOWEBSCRIPT ERROR: can't read "partsstr": no such variable}
can't read "partsstr": no such variable
    while executing
"html "\n"
    invoked from within
"$safeInterp eval $ssiCode"

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